Menopause Clinic

The Complex Menopause Clinic in The Coombe Hospital commenced in November 2022 with the purpose of providing care to women in the Midland Regional Hospital Group catchment area. Recent changes in menopause management and with the advent of additional high-quality research data, there has been an increased demand for such services. The clinic takes place in the Women’s Health Unit at The Coombe Hospital.

What is menopause?

Menopause is when you stop having periods, which usually happens between the ages of 45 and 55. For a small number of women menopause occurs earlier. If it happens before you are 40 it's called premature menopause (or premature ovarian insufficiency). Menopause happens when your ovaries stop producing a hormone called oestrogen and no longer release eggs. For some time before this – it could be for a few months or for several years – your periods may become less regular as your oestrogen levels fall. This is called perimenopause.

How can I access the service? / who is the service for? 

The service can be accessed via a referral from your GP

Who is leading the service

The service is currently led by Professor Michael O’Connell and Dr Amaliya Morgan Brown